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Early Intervention Meditation

Early Intervention Mediation (Birth to Age 3)

The Early Intervention Mediation Program was established in 1993 to provide services for infants and toddlers, ages 0-3 years old, with developmental delay or disabilities and their families.

Title II-A of Article 25 of the Public Health Law establishes the right of a parent who disagrees with the determination of an evaluator or Early Intervention official to mediation and/or an impartial hearing to resolve their dispute.

File A Request for Mediation

Disagree with a determination or delivery of services?

The mediation program is designed to help early intervention program participants create options for resolving disputes surrounding:

  • Eligibility determination
  • Delivery of services to the child, and/or
  • To improve communication between parents and early intervention personnel.

Mediation is a voluntary process under Part C of the IDEA that brings people together to resolve disagreements. An impartial, qualified and trained mediator helps participants communicate with each other so that everyone has an opportunity to express concerns and offer solutions.

What is Mediation?

  • You can request mediation at any time to resolve disagreements.
  • All participants must agree to participate for mediation to happen.
  • The focus is on resolving disagreements and working toward a solution that satisfies all participants.
  • The goal is to find a solution that meets the needs of the child and family to which all parties can agree. If a dispute is resolved through the mediation process, a written and legally binding agreement is created and signed.
  • The mediator does not make decisions. All participants must agree to any decision.
  • Mediation discussions are confidential. What is said in mediation cannot be used as evidence in a due process hearing or civil lawsuit.
  • Mediation is voluntary so participants may leave mediation at any time.

For More Information

Contact your local Community Dispute Resolution Center or contact NYSDRA's Disability Mediation Programs Team at



Disability Mediation Programs

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